Parents Association of Villa Maria
Your child is starting his or her journey at Villa Maria? It’s the perfect time to get involved. Join a community of parents proud to enrich school life at Villa Maria! All parents are welcome!
The APVM is the association of parents of French-sector students at Villa Maria. Led by volunteer parents, it has helped enrich the quality of life at the school for several years. You can have a positive impact on our students by becoming involved, along with other dedicated parents, as a board member or as a volunteer for activities.
what we do
- We hold regular meetings with the School’s administration, in which all parents of French-sector students can participate and express themselves.
- We fund academic, cultural, social and sports activities proposed by teachers, such as the Color Run, theatre outings and the graduation ball.
- We celebrate the work and commitment of teachers by holding recognition activities.
- We contribute to career days organized by the School.
- We reward the academic success of students by awarding prizes.
- And so much more!
Martine Riendeau
Gabriela Nicolescu
Dana Simon
Julie Verreau Howard
Christophe Deckers
Anna Dritsas
Julie Verreau Howard
Josée-Lynn Karam
Karina Montminy
Gabriela Nicolescu
Martine Riendeau
Dana Simon
Marie-Pierre Bousquet
Jasmine Robichaud
the impact of the apvm according to them
meetings with the school’s management and the executive of the APVM
- All parents of French-sector students are invited to take part in these meetings.
- 2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
- Example of the agenda of a past meeting
- Minutes: request a copy of the minutes of a past meeting by writing to
- The APVM manages a budget of approximately $15,000, financed by voluntary annual contributions of $25 from the parents.
- Every parent who has paid this contribution automatically becomes a member of the association for the year.
- General regulations of the APVM

learn more about the APVM
Want to know more? Don’t hesitate to contact the APVM at