Academics / Profiles and Curriculum / Social Sciences
Social Sciences

The Geography program is based on the concept of territory defined as a social space that human beings occupy, modify, give meaning to and organize in a specific way. Throughout the year, the study of problems relating to the use and organization of space will be important. The course covers both physical and social geography. Through various concepts, it, teaches students to look at territories, not in isolation, but from a global perspective, in relation to the world. The program encourages them to become responsible and aware of the distinctive features of other territories and to understand the need for an equitable sharing of the world’s habitable space. It develops their geographic analytical skills and the ability to explain different social phenomena leading to an understanding of the impact of human action on territories in the throes of constant change.
The History and Citizenship Education program has two key objectives: to enable students to develop their understanding of the present in light of the past, and to prepare them to participate in civic life, as informed citizens. Narratives, informative texts and other literary sources providing the context of a historic period are used, allowing students to identify various aspects of societal change, establish connections with the past and understand the evolution of the more abstract concept of citizenship. The purpose of the History and Citizenship Education program is to contribute to the education of future citizens who will be capable of well-informed, open-minded social participation, in accordance with the principles of a democracy.
Today’s world is characterized by increased interdependence and multiple social, economic, political and cultural relationships. Because the world’s problems and issues are both interconnected and multidimensional, the various players – states, organizations and citizen groups – must work together to find global solutions. The study of these problems and issues must take into account both geographic and historical perspectives and the economic and political dimensions. In this course, students develop an awareness and understanding of current issues and form an enlightened opinion on these issues, preparing them to become engaged, informed citizens.
Financial issues are important in every aspect of our lives, and some financial decisions can have unexpected consequences. The Financial Education course allows students to understand the economic issues affecting them not only now, but as future consumers and future workers. The curriculum focuses on the analysis of three financial issues: Consuming goods and services, Joining the working world and Continuing education.