This latest edition of our open houses demonstrates, yet again, the energy and vitality of Villa Maria.
With 170 of history, the school is more vibrant than ever and will continue to open its doors to thousands of students over the coming decades.
Media / Villa Maria has been opening its doors and ensuring vibrant futures for 170 years
Unfolding under sunny skies this past September 14 and 21, our open houses proved to be a resounding success across the board! These highly colourful days demonstrate the talent and passion that drive our school’s team.
Villa Maria’s team had the opportunity of meeting with motivated and enthusiastic students and parents who expressed their interest in our school. They particularly appreciated the kindness and warmth of our personnel as well as the event’s organization. All mentioned how impressed they were by the beauty of our campus and facilities. It is clear that our historic heritage site, a true haven of greenery, is of priceless importance to the community as whole.
This latest edition of our open houses demonstrates, yet again, the energy and vitality of Villa Maria.
With 170 of history, the school is more vibrant than ever and will continue to open its doors to thousands of students over the coming decades.
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