Villa Maria, Here and Now
We love it when brain cells are stirred up and our students take an active part in the learning process. We love it when our students in English and French interact, putting forth their ideas, which is why our different pedagogical approach focuses on active learning and communication. Our teachers and support staff have been enlisted in our quest for excellence, as we seek to develop our students’ potential and steer them towards a promising future. In so doing, these students become agents of change and will, in turn, contribute to social progress.
Our approach
Through our four innovative and hands-on academic profiles, we provide students with an active and motivating learning environment in which they can choose options that engage and interest them.

message from the director general
Marie Anna Bacchi
Recent years have ushered in an exciting new era in the world of education. At Villa Maria, our dedicated team has made it its duty to be at the forefront of this transformative educational process. In addition to supporting our students and guiding them to excel and succeed in their studies, we are committed to instilling in them skills and attitudes that will serve them well throughout their lives. Our four fascinating academic profiles enable the next generation to grow and prepare them for the realities of tomorrow’s world.
In an effort to remain at the cutting edge, we are currently implementing a number of pedagogical innovations based on active learning approaches, along with a real estate development plan designed to further strengthen our learning environment. We are delighted to inaugurate the Maison de la Montagne, an ancestral building that has been converted into an ultramodern learning facility consisting of large reconfigurable halls lending themselves to collaborative active learning.
Our passionate and dedicated teachers create, for our students, a positive, motivating environment conducive to learning and their intellectual, emotional and social growth. In fact, Villa Maria is often described as a warm and friendly environment. The general sense of well-being experienced by our students is nurtured by their participation in various activities, including sports and clubs.
We are also committed to helping our students become responsible and committed citizens. To this end, we foster the development of a social conscience by encouraging their involvement in community work.
Villa Maria’s two sectors, English and French, make the school a unique bilingual environment highly beneficial to students entering today’s workforce. Our students and their families come from more than 70 countries and speak more than 30 languages. Together, we celebrate the diversity and richness of our community.
Our students do exceptionally well after graduation. Many go on to complete the most demanding programs and hold leading positions in fields as diverse as science, public administration, business and the arts. Villa Maria students represent our most precious legacy and set an example for each new generation of students from our school.
Dear parents, students, alumnae and friends of Villa Maria, I look forward to the pleasure of meeting you soon.
Marie Anna Bacchi, Director General
history, mission and values
Rooted in our rich history and motivated by our willingness to evolve.
safe school
A sound school environment that fosters diversity, fairness and inclusion.
School rules and regulations
Mutual respect and courtesy are basic to the success of the Villa Maria learning environment.
If there is a storm, the decision to close the school will be made between 5:15 and 5:45 a.m. on the day of the storm.
The decision takes into account a verification of weather and road conditions and is taken in conjunction with the other private schools in the area.