Maison de la montagne
Collaborative learning spaces.
The entire building has been transformed to accommodate six learning and collaboration spaces on three floors.
Most of those spaces are equipped with mobile furniture, allowing for increased flexibility for fun and diversified learning, as well as collaboration between students in the same space, and between students in related spaces.
The use of mobile glass partitions, used foremost to modulate the space, facilitates abundant natural lighting that penetrates the different spaces. These partitions also have the advantage of being able to be used as writable surfaces. As some of the partitions are removable, the community can modulate the spaces at will, according to their needs, thus contributing to fostering collaboration, creativity as well as innovation.
These new spaces are equipped with the latest technologies that are specifically adapted to the active learning educational context in which they will be put to use.

“We are delighted to inaugurate the Maison de la Montagne, an ancestral building that has been converted into an ultramodern learning facility consisting of large reconfigurable halls lending themselves to collaborative active learning.”
Marie Anna Bacchi, Director General